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Virtual Staff Benefits




Turn this job into a Career Opportunity
Remote Staff Efficiency and Productivity



“Our Remote Collaborative Worker Survey suggests there are significant benefits to be gained by both remote workers and their employers with off-site employees motivated to work harder and more efficiently to protect both the personal and professional benefits of working remotely,” said Michael Fitzpatrick, CEO of ConnectSolutions.

“Even the personal benefits workers experience can be viewed as employer benefits since workers tend to be happier, less stressed out, and healthier, thereby bringing down the costs of turnover, absenteeism, lower productivity, and other issues.”


AT&T has utilized remote staff with success

Workers at AT&T work 5 more hours a week at home than their office-bound counterparts.





Sun Micro Systems increases productivity with remote staff


Sun Microsystems found that employees spend two-thirds of the time they save by not commuting doing work for the company.





American Express Recommends Using Remote Staff JD Edwards and American Express telecommuters are 25% and 43% more productive than their office-based counterparts.





Compaq Increased Productivity Using Remote Staff Telecommuters at Compaq, Best Buy, British Telecom, and Dow Chemical have all shown to be as much as 45% more productive.



Cisco Systems has used Remote Staff for 30 Years



According to a Cisco study, the company saved $277 million per year from telecommuting employees.


Global Workplace Analytics studies show that businesses win when they go Virtual

Global Workplace Analytics found out that $11,000 are saved per person per year if employees work half of the time away from the office. Another study dating back to 2014 by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign summarized the benefits of telecommuting by stating “working remotely is associated with improvement in two main employee measures – task-based performance and organizational citizenship behavior, including one’s contributions toward creating a positive, cooperative and friendly work environment.”


All of this adding to adding to the greater job satisfaction and happier employees, which work harder, are more productive, efficient, and stay with the company longer even taking less salary. Decreasing employee cost, recruiting cost, eliminating lost time and productivity leading to a lower bottomline and higher profits.



“What we found is people who work remotely often feel a greater need to perform,” Fitzpatrick added. “But ultimately, successful remote work requires collaboration, and collaboration depends on relationships and frictionless communication.” -CoSo Cloud




Virtual Staff Efficiency Report

Employee Efficiency and Productivity


Employee Efficient and Productivity

Worker Effectiveness


0-4 Hours - 50%


4-8 Hours - 32%


8 + Hours - 18%




Hours per month spent on job-related learning

How Employees Spent Their Time


Virtual Assistant Training and Testing Process specifies the specific skills needed for your job or project

Employee Efficiency


Hours per week spent helping co-workers with job-related problems 


0-4 Hours - 31%


4-8 Hours - 36%


8 + Hours - 33%